We continually thank the Lord for His grace and mercy that He has so kindly lavished upon us.
We continued the writing and developing of lessons, focusing on the Year One lessons for the 13 and 14-year-olds. We are thankful that there were drafts written earlier that we could use to restructure and make more age-appropriate lessons.
Currently, the first six lessons have been written and are being readied for a field test..
Aside from lesson development, Sharon and Carolyn have also been involved in different teaching opportunities, teaching children and women at their respective churches
Rejoice with the Geno family on a new addition to their family. On Saturday, 27th July 2024, Carolyne and her husband, Paul, were blessed with a bouncing healthy baby boy, Theo.
We pray and trust that the Lord will help them bring up their son in the way of the Lord.
Thank you for your prayers and continued financial support.
Carolyn and Sharon.

Genesis Design Organisation ・P O Box 1324 ・303 Voortrekker Street ・OKAHANDJA
E-Mail: info@genesidesign.org ・Cell#: +264 81 661n3545