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where we are registered

The Global Office and Headquarters Training Facility is located in Okahandja, Namibia. Genesis Design is registered in four countries as a not-for-profit organisation or company. Each of these registrations is managed by a national board of directors who direct the ministry within the guidelines laid down by the Global Council and Constitution.



Kenne die Wahrheit. Erkenne die Lüge.

Wir lehren Menschen grundlegende biblische Wahrheiten über Mannsein, Frausein, Sexualität und Ehe und bringen ihnen nahe, wie sie diese durch das Erlösungswerk von Jesus Christus in die Tat umsetzen können. Dabei wollen wir nicht nur Kindern, sondern ebenso Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen, Gottes Plan für eine ihm wohlgefällige Ausfüllung unserer Rollen als Männer und Frauen in Ehe und Familie verständlich machen.

Was wir tun
Genesis Design erarbeitete im Laufe vieler Jahre einen umfassenden Lehrplan, der sowohl in Entwicklungs- als auch Industrieländern verwendet wird.

  • Wir erstellen altersgerechte Lektionen, die lebensnah und verständlich sind.

  • Wir lehren Einzelpersonen und Gruppen, wie sie sich als von Gott geschaffene Personen erkennen und im Einklang damit handeln können.

  • Wir bilden Menschen zu Genesis Design LehrerInnen aus und versorgen sie mit allen erforderlichen Ressourcen.


Unsere Ziele

  • Wir wollen weitere Materialien entwickeln, um LehrerInnen, Pastoren und JugendleiterInnen zu befähigen, den Lehrplan gewinnbringend nutzen zu können.

  • Wir wünschen uns weitere MitarbeiterInnen und freiwillige HelferInnen, damit wir unsere Aufgaben bewältigen können.

  • Wir sammeln Spendengelder, um unsere Ziele erreichen zu können.

Wenn Sie mehr über Genesis Design erfahren möchten, wenden Sie sich gerne an unseren deutschen Vorstandsvorsitzenden:


Robert Metz 

Am Kettersberg 4

35767 Breitscheid


Tel.: 02777 - 1005


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The Global Head Office is located in Namibia and managed by the Global Coordinator, Jos Holtzhausen. The legal registration in Namibia also serves as the umbrella organisation, under which the branches in Kenya and Uganda may legally operate.


The Headquarters Training Facility (HQTF) is currently leased, rent-free, from Christ’s Hope International for a 5-year period which ends in 2023. All operational costs are borne by Genesis Design. God has truly provided a way for us to make it beneficial to both ministries.


The facility is used to offer and host various Genesis Design training courses, but is also made available to other like-minded groups at very affordable rates. We want to encourage other ministries and individual missionaries, who travel through Okahandja, by not placing a heavy financial burden on them when they need training and accommodation. For more information to book the HQTF click here.


Before the COVID-19 pandemic, two groups of high school leaders, who used the facility, were given a shortened overview of Genesis Design. This exciting ministry opportunity will be followed up in 2021 when the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.


Genesis Design is currently taught in all 8 Ministry CarePoints managed by Christ’s Hope across Namibia, reaching 324 children and teens weekly. Ongoing teacher training takes place and the new lessons are effectively field tested with excellent and positive results in the children and teachers.

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The countries where Genesis Design is legally registered are:

South Africa


Genesis Design is registered as a not-for-profit organisation in South Africa.

Currently, in South Africa, Genesis Design continues to be taught to children and teens in the Ministry CarePoint of Christ’s Hope International so as to equip orphaned or vulnerable children affected by AIDS with the 7 Biblical Truth Foundations.


The same applies to Christ’s Hope in Eswatini who also continue to teach the Genesis Design curriculum in their Ministry CarePoint. There is much concern amongst Christian parents, Christian schools and some churches in South Africa about the “Comprehensive Sex Education” (CSE) programme that government wants to implement in the schools. It teaches sex education that is very contrary to the Biblical teaching of Manhood, Womanhood, Sexuality and Marriage.


We are trusting God to open doors and connect us to the right people to present the Genesis Design curriculum to Christian schools and churches. Please join us in prayer to ask God to expand this vital ministry in South Africa. 


Contact Person: Carmen Potgieter

Cellphone No.: 0812703122


Postal address:
P O Box 654
Eastern Cape

Street address:
60 Cradock Street
Eastern Cape


Banking Details:

Genesis Design Ministries NPC

Standard Bank

Account number: 025008196

Branch code: 051001


South Africa



In the words of John Adams, second President of the United States, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

After two and a half centuries, the Judeo-Christian morals of the country’s founders are difficult to recognize in every-day life. The ten commandments, once proudly displayed as the basis for our legal system in public buildings, are being taken down by court order.  Abortion, once outlawed by civil law in respect of God’s law, is permitted, and funded, by our government - even abortions in the third trimester of a pregnancy.  Divorce is commonplace. Homosexuality is openly practiced. Fathers are not held accountable to their family responsibilities. Unbridled sexuality is sensationalized in the entertainment and news media. 

If John Adams were alive today, he would say, “I told you so.”

Genesis Design’s 7 Biblical Truth Foundations offer a path to restoring the morals of the 18th Century to be the modern-day standard for society.  God’s plan for manhood, womanhood, sexuality and marriage is perfect. Genesis Design’s curriculum is made to restore His plan to prominence, while promoting the saving grace of the Lord Jesus.

The US Ministry seeks to reinvigorate the principles of Genesis Design in America. We seek to change the hearts and minds of God’s people by developing and promoting:

  • Dynamic and easily understood curriculum.

  • Easily accessible instruction.

  • Sequenced teaching for all age groups.


Michael Kaddatz – President

Business address:

Genesis Design

83 Geneva Dr. #621341

Oviedo, FL 32765


Postal address:

Genesis Design

P.O. Box 621341

Oviedo, FL 32762


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