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Neil and Shann de Smidt leading the schools initiative in South Africa, during a recent visit to Namibia
  1. Overall Summary

This was a very busy period for Shann, but the Lord graciously blessed the overview presentation of Genesis Design at 10 ACSI (Association of Christian Schools) teachers’ conferences, teacher training conducted in Gqerberha in the Eastern Cape in July and the Leader Presentation in Cape Town in early August.

The Genesis Design display at the Principal Conference introduced the ministry to 80 principals and school leaders. The brochure was included in the conference pack and many principals visited the ten-service provider displays in a side hall at the conference venue – we are one of them.

ACSI Directors have faithfully mentioned Genesis Design at about 15 principal meetings held in each province during the year. I attended two of these and was able to do this in person.

The awareness of the programme among principals and teachers has stimulated enthusiastic support and willingness to incorporate the programme into the curriculum of many Christian Schools in SA. We consider that this has made a major contribution to the introduction of the ministry to Christian schools in SA in line with the mandate given to us in March.

Special thanks are due to ACSI who supported the ministry through carrying the considerable cost of travel, accommodation and inclusion in their programmes in a God honouring partnership in the Gospel.

2.1. Teacher Conferences in South Africa and Eswatini - Although very brief, the information presented at the ACSI Teacher Conferences under the title Faithful Beginnings (prepared in 2023 before the mandate given to Neil and Shann) has been very well received by teachers. They then take the information handouts used during the presentation to their school leaders so that they can begin working on these. I have no attendance lists as this workshop is an elective, not a plenary. Ian Vermooten, SA Board member, attended and assisted at the workshops in Gqeberha and East London. The number of attendees is dependent on the size of the conference, but ranged from 12 to 34.

2.2. Gqeberha – This training held over two days, 22 and 23 July was hosted by Isivuno and held in their training centre. 18 people attended. Organisations were Isivuno staff and curriculum developers, One Child Life SA, leaders of a home school group, a teacher from Harvest Christian School, an aftercare leader from Salem School and three leader/pastors from a church. I was able to field test the Teacher Manual. The response from the group was helpful and will guide the restructuring of the next draft of the Teacher Manual.

3. Presentations

3.1. Cape Town – A Leader Presentation was made to principals and school leaders as well as leaders of Bloom that holds 4 workshops for young ladies throughout the year. Neville Ontong, Principal of Kings School Goodwood, hosted this meeting in the church venue that is adjacent to the school. Attendance: 18 leaders were present. This was a field test for the Leaders Presentation which will need to be shortened slightly. The response was good, and several leaders will implement it in their schools now that they understand how to use the material.

3.2. Neil and I used the Leader Presentation in our home on 09 August to explain Genesis Design to personal friends of ours, who are our South African prayer partners. They also have given thoughtful insight into how the Leader Presentation can be improved.

4. Materials

4.1. The following materials were prepared in support of the training and presentations made:

• Teachers Manual Draft 1 – Based on the Curriculum Outline originally supplied by Sylvia

• Leader Presentation Draft 2- Based on the Curriculum Outline originally supplied by Sylvia

• Hand-outs used at ACSI conference. Developed in 2023

5. Contacts

Good relationships have been stablished with:

• Sarie Snyders - ISIVUNO

• Alison Colin – One Life Child SA

Shann also met with the SA Board - Ian, Tracy and Dawie. Shann presented to the Board the work she has done to date on the Genesis Design Schools Project and gave a verbal report on the training and presentations given.

6. Comment

Once the new curriculum outline is available, work on the manuals can be finalised.

7. Prayer

7.1. Pray for school leaders as they consider the use of the Genesis Design curriculum and materials in their schools.

7.2. Those who have done training need wisdom to implement what they learned in informal settlements, Youth Groups and the school they teach in. But also, in their own lives.

7.3. Neil and Shann as they establish the Genesis Design Schools Department throughout SA.

Genesis Design Organisation ・P O Box 1324 ・303 Voortrekker Street ・OKAHANDJA

E-Mail: ・Cell#: +264 81 661n3545


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